currently uses TP5.0 s framework. Since there is a large form with more than 30 fields in the background, do you have to write a field dictionary first, and then judge that Filter has dropped the extra fields (for example, someone else may submit a fi...
Project to achieve three-tier distribution; rebate to all superiors (up to three levels) after database design and user registration but I don t have a clue. Please give me a thought. if it is directly registered to reward 20 yuan if it is throug...
recently, I have been looking at other people s projects and found that some projects separate the user table from the user balance table to create . user-> user Table user balance-> user_balance Table (which contains the user id and the number of us...
items are separated from front and rear! at present, you want to access 4 login of Weibo, login of Alipay, login of qq, login of Wechat. first question: should data tables be designed with four tables or one table with an app_type field! Specify whi...
after WeChat Pay s client paid, Wechat s server did not request my callback address! at first I thought it was the code, so I added a log record before the asynchronous callback was processed! The result is not good later I applied for another cer...
the previous project (front and rear separation) is that the verification code and data acquisition are normal on the apache server! then switch to nginx server result graphics CAPTCHA cannot be verified! But there is nothing wrong with getting and su...
database and sometimes there are cases of MySQL server has gone away. Trying to modify the max_allowed_packet, of my.cnf does not seem to work. How should these situations be solved? ...
want to use the command line situation in the linux server to run the methods in the controller, such as the get method in the stu controller in the app module ...
When git push, prompt fatal: empty ident < git@ebs-27404. (none) > not allowed but I have set up mailbox and user name in my server is it possible to set one in the hook? post-receive git config ...
I test with the simplest code, opens the transaction, inserts data, and rolls back . but the database still inserts new data . my database type is InnoDB so I wonder if that s what it says in the document, pay attention to make sure your dat...
linux server, a master server, the speed of using tp5 to connect to the website opened by mysql, is too slow, how to solve it? skip_name_resolve this part of the code has been added ...
public function exchangeComponentAccessToken(){ $values[ config ][ app_id ] = xxx ; $values[ config ][ secret ] = xxx ; $values[ config ][ verify_ticket ] = xxxx ; $app = new Container($values); ...
check the execution log during the test, but the log is not displayed in real time. is there any software that displays the log in real time? ...
use a custom validation scenario in the controller, but how to use the custom error prompt in the scenario ...
the current API is as follows: generate a token randomly after the user logs in. Use the value of token as the key cached by Redis . The cached value is the user s information, including user id, user nickname, user avatar, etc. Interface access and...
I am not familiar with just using thinkphp, when you generate a module using commands such as php think crud test, you find that only the admin module is generated and is only available in the background. Can you directly generate the corresponding mo...
in order for the links that have been sent by regular users to open properly, we have configured the following route, which indicates that Route::rule ( my.php , my view info ) cannot be found. the following ones without .php can Route::rule ...
Soft deletion is defined in tp5 model, and in defining association $order = Order::get(10); $order->user public function user (){ return $this-hasOne( user , id , user_id ); } users queried in this way will not be displayed if th...
for example, in the root directory of the project, there is a head directory where there is a 1.jpg picture. I want to use this picture in the view, so how do I write the src path of the img tag? ...
the demand is like this. After the seller publishes the product, the buyer buys it, and the buyer confirms it after completion. do you want to create two data tables for buyers and sellers to store order data? because once the buyer deletes the orde...
as the title: you can add entry animation to the item of ListView by using LayoutAnimation in Android, but you can use android:layoutAnimation for a given api. So how do you achieve this kind of animation in RN? So that each item has a given animation ...
if there are multiple input on the page now, and I do it with element, it doesn t affect it. Let s make an abbreviation . <el-input-number class= ipt v-for="(item,index) in arr" v-model.number="item.value" :controls...
after CSS input sets the readonly property, the custom keyboard pops up. The oninput event cannot listen for changes in input input text, and the event cannot be called. <input type= "text " class= "input_text_gapfilling " id...
problem description use mongoose to manipulate data in MongoDB Atlas when adding data, if I use res.json (data) to try to refresh the data on the page, only one data in json format will be displayed on the page but when I delete the data, if I do ...
based on react-semantic-ui, I assembled a Table component that can search and change pages. is called < PaginatedTable > . working example: https: s 23q6. use as follows <PaginationTable items={[ { id: 1, ...