installed two Ubuntu12, in the virtual machine, one with the Chinese version and the other with the English version, but! The problem is that the Chinese version of the command and help documentation is incomplete, as shown in figure < hr > View the h...
ubuntu-12.04, uses usb network card rtl8192eu, installed linux driver installed hostapd, and configured hostapd.conf wifi to connect normally in sta mode. but use hostapd to do wifi hotspots, and convert them to AP, prompts that nl80211 is missing ...
fun test() { Canvas().bindPaintDrawPoints(Paint())( arrayOf(PointF(1f, 2f), PointF(2f, 2f), PointF(3f, 2f), PointF(4f, 2f)) ) } fun Canvas.bindPaintDrawPoints(paint:...
is there a html file in the vu project? do you want to fetch the data in vuex and put it in title? I can do it with localStorage, but the effect is not good ...
csv`import numpy as npimport pandas as pdf=open( G:XueYegrades.csv , rb )df=pd.read_csv(f,low_memory=False,usecols=[0,1,3,4,5,7,8,15,16])group=df.groupby([ xh , xm ],sort=False)[ xf ]print(group.sum())` as a result, he counted the student n...
request http: xxx sites app index.php?m=user&c=index&a=avatar&user_id=0F0993200F910338F0EE638EFDFA1779 when matching the address http: xxx sites app avatar 0F0993200F910338F0EE638EFDFA1779 the following doesn t seem to work location sites ap...
use el-table to make a table for dynamic data acquisition. Bind the data : data= tableData in the el-table tag, add the prop attribute to the el-table-column tag, initialize the tableData in script, tableData: null , and the data cannot be generate...