want to measure the signal transmission time from the phone to the wifi, check the Android API and find no relevant information. main idea: Android receives information from the router; then read the time when the message was sent and the time it ...
Oh, my God, it s been fine all the time. Today, as usual, I turned on my phone wifi, and connected with my laptop. At this time, something strange happened. I don t understand why I suddenly couldn t visit Zhihu and NetEyun Music PC!? am I banned f...
ubuntu-12.04, uses usb network card rtl8192eu, installed linux driver installed hostapd, and configured hostapd.conf wifi to connect normally in sta mode. but use hostapd to do wifi hotspots, and convert them to AP, prompts that nl80211 is missing ...
I don t have much time to contact nodejs. I use nodejs to write the server. Now I write all the interfaces in one file. How to write these interfaces separately in different files, and finally introduce all the interface files into a main file all my...
execution yum install eosio.cdt-1.3.2.x86_64-0.x86_64.rpm encountered the following problems Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile --> Processing Dependency: libstdcPP.so.6(GLIBCXX_3.4.20)(64bit) for package: eosio.cdt-1.3.2.x86_64-0.x86_64 ...
I happened to see the FSA standard and began to reflect on my design of the action structure in redux there is a bit of confusion about the description of error types in FSA according to the FSA standard, if an action triggers Error, then its struct...
< script > export default { name: - sharpindex2 , methods: { submit: function() { this.websocketsend({a:1}) }, threadPoxi: function() { const agentData = "mymessage"; ws if (this.websock.readyState === this.websock.OPEN)...
1. My project is django 1.11, python 2.7, using celery 4.1, using django_celery_beat third-party libraries. After installation and migration, there is a scheduled task table in the admin background, which can be used normally. However, I recently used d...