django uses an online case for dwebsocket, local debugging (what else do you need to do to support local debugging?) after printing out the Websocket open, chrome reported an error: websocket connection to ws: localhost:8000 echo_once failed:Inv...
I called the emit method of socket in the loop to send events to the front end, and sleep each loop for 1 second. However, in the course of testing, it is found that the front end is cumulative to handle these events. For example, I looped 10 times, and ...
in the use of websocket, it is found that if requests are sent continuously, some requests will not receive a response. assume that 5 call requests are issued in a row ws.send(1); ws.send(1); ws.send(1); ws.send(1); ws.send(1); but not every send re...
after WebSocket was disconnected, I re-new a link. In the new connection, I can continue to receive and send data, but I found that ws.onmessage did not return the data after reconnection. I think he is still waiting for the data of the address before ...
1. The back-end converts a long data into 64-bit binary, which is transmitted to the front-end through websocket. The front-end receives an ArrayBuffer object, reads the data in memory with getFloat64, and converts it into an integer, but it is found to...
requirements: Connect to a known remote websocket server, read its incoming messages and display them on the page in real time. but the address and login information of the remote server need to be kept secret, so you can t connect to the server d...
the front and back end communicates with websocket. How does the front end convert long data into ArrayBuffer 64-bit binary data ...
segmentfault ws.openfetchGETloginsendfetchCOOKIECOOKIEFETCHCOOKIECOOKIE ...
I saw in Google s network that js has been loaded after the jump, but the js, has not been executed on the new page. Why? what should I do ...
The structure of the page looks roughly like this: <page> <scroll-view> ...... <view class= fixedbar hidden= {{fix}} >< view> ...... < scroll-view> < page> whether you bind the ...
when you look at the code of etcd raft, the readyc variable in () is also assigned to node.readyc. by the same token, when you put Ready into readyc, you can also read data from node.readyc. does an experiment: the following code creates a c...
when using layui: http: doc modu. < kbd > < kbd > I read the manual. A table, I want to use the data I requested, then combine it and render it to table. It is true that url is required here, can this not achieve my goal? ...
I encountered a thorny problem when working on a project. I used vue s v-bind to bind the data- attribute of the DOM element, as follows <a v-else class="js-fancybox" href="javascript:" @click="updateGallery(idx)" ...