recently, Ambari Metrics Collector has been configured with distributed data storage. The changed configuration is as follows: hbase.cluster.distributed=true Metrics Service operation mode = distributed HDFSams${name}HDFS hbase.rootdir=hdfs: ${name...
install the Ambari2.6.2 version, the HDP2.6.4 version, which comes with hbase version 1.2. Now if I want to install the hbase2.0 version, all I can think of is to customize a service, and put the 2.0 version hbase; in the custom service. But I think the ...
refer to the Hortonworks official website to install Ambari as follows: wget -nv http: ambari centos7 2.x updates ambari.repo -O etc yum.repos.d ambari.repo yum install ambari-server ambari-server setup but cann...
< template scope= "scope " > <el-button type="text" size="small">< el-button> <el-button @click="handleClick(scope.row)" type="text" size="small">< el-button> <el...
expect both get and post requests to carry userID information. So the unified parameters of post request are written in, and the unified parameters of get are written in get. but! Here s the problem. .config.params does not merge parame...
< H2 > 1. The content in my environment-variable.ini file is < H2 >. export UNIVER_USER_LOGIN= http: api login export UNIVER_SEARCH_ORDINARY= http: api search common export UNIVER_SEARCH_LABEL= http: api search c...
when using antD s form form, when using getFieldDecorator, the form control will not be able to add the value value code is as follows: :input : ...
after setting the band size of the browser (800600), using the screenshot method, the picture obtained is actually larger than the browser itself. ask me, what went wrong? How to deal with from io import BytesIO from PIL import Image from selenium imp...