recently, Ambari Metrics Collector has been configured with distributed data storage. The changed configuration is as follows: hbase.cluster.distributed=true Metrics Service operation mode = distributed HDFSams${name}HDFS hbase.rootdir=hdfs: ${name...
install the Ambari2.6.2 version, the HDP2.6.4 version, which comes with hbase version 1.2. Now if I want to install the hbase2.0 version, all I can think of is to customize a service, and put the 2.0 version hbase; in the custom service. But I think the ...
refer to the Hortonworks official website to install Ambari as follows: wget -nv http: ambari centos7 2.x updates ambari.repo -O etc yum.repos.d ambari.repo yum install ambari-server ambari-server setup but cann...
when I worked on Mini Program project for the first time, I have been stepping on it all the time. Through value= "{{json.content}} " and {{data.json.content}} in the textarea tag, I can t render it in either way <textarea class= fs14 value=&qu...
the project written uses the angular1.6 version, in which the header and tail are introduced with the following figure : IE,IE: what method can be used to solve this? ...
problem description if you look at the picture, you won t be able to get the data. I don t know how to ask God to save me . the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried related codes Please paste the code ...
for example, 0.1 "0.2 " 0.3 "0.4 " 0.5 "0.7 " 0.8 "0.9 " 1.0 "1.1 " 1.2 "1.3 " 1.4 "1.5 " 1.6 "1.7 the result is 15.299999999999999 read an article that can be written with add module, but in practice, not only addition, subtraction, multip...
<img class="a" src="a.svg" > <img class="b" src="b.svg" > <img class="c" src="c.svg" > <img class="d" src="d.svg" > < div > .a, .b, .c, .d { di...