two questions: Why the length of the int4 type of postgresql can reach 10 bits, but it is set to 32 bits in the attribute The int4 type length of postgresql is set to 32 bits by default, so why can t it be modified? it is still 32 bits after modif...
Integer a = 1; Integer b = 2; Long c = 3L; c = a compiler error will result in the error that int cannot be converted to long System.out.println (compiled normally, resulting in true Why? I know that when int and long add up, they both turn i...
kubeadm init before I started the command, I had already set up the http and https agents, but there was still an error. What is the reason for this? [preflight] Some fatal errors occurred: [ERROR ImagePull]: failed to pull image [ kube...
specific problems are shown in the figure above. Environment, using phpStudy one-click installation, 7. 0 php environment. The framework uses oneThink based on ThinkPhp3.2. Has anyone ever encountered this problem? ...
display in pdf.js. There is a problem that Chinese is not displayed in pdf var pdfData=atob( JVBERi0xLjQKJeLjz9MKNCAwIG9iago8PC9MZW5ndGggMTY2L0ZpbHRlci9GbGF0ZURlY29kZT4+c3RyZWFtCnicK+RyCuEyNlOwMDBTCEnhcg3hCuQyUvACiRoqGAAhiLQwMVIIyeXSdzNUMDRQCEnj0tAMyQ...
looks like a problem with the introduction of files, and Baidu didn t find the results. although an error was reported, the file was saved successfully. it s just annoying to play around like this. ...
an example is given on the official website, saying that it does not support responsive data, but responsive data can be passed in, so provide,inject can implement responsive data. I should understand it correctly here. Ha the demo, I wrote myself...