use xtrabackup s innobackupex tool to back up the mysql database, some of which are myisam engines. After another machine is restored, when querying the table, prompt table "xxx " is marked as crashed and should be repaired, to use the repair command t...
problem description now the test information of the sample stored in a table of data has the following fields tableA id, description, status, type, createDate then status has pass corresponding code 1; fail corresponding code 2; inprogress object ...
when designing an attachment storage table for a system, do you use decentralized storage of information to each required table? Or do you centrally store the attachment information in a table and then associate it in the table you need to use? Or are t...
are there any tools that can inversely generate diagrams between tables based on existing data tables? ...
two questions: Why the length of the int4 type of postgresql can reach 10 bits, but it is set to 32 bits in the attribute The int4 type length of postgresql is set to 32 bits by default, so why can t it be modified? it is still 32 bits after modif...
my statement is select user_vip_card . , flow_of_vipcard . , if ((user_vip_card.max_times IS NULL OR user_vip_card.max_times= 0 OR user_vip_card.max_times=9999),-1, (user_vip_card.max_times-count ( AS remain_times ...
High performance MySQL (3rd edition, 1st edition, May 2013) on page 390, it is mentioned that the current generation of RDBMS technology has been optimized for mechanical hard drives for decades, and the same mature and in-depth research work has not re...
what is the locking mechanism of mysql transaction serialization isolation level Open transactions in both An and B clients, if 1 if A transaction deletes a record (), B transaction cannot read deleted and uncommitted transactions in A transaction not...
after reading this article (introducing schema in the database) https: da., it is mentioned that the schema in MySQL is the same as the library. Is this correct? Thank you ....