see the use of the PageHelper paging plug-in in a project ...
problem description orcaleABCAPHONEBPHONECPHONE: A B C ID PHONE ID PHONE ID PHONE a1 11111 b1 11111 c1 11111 a1 22222 b2 33333 c2 11111 now I want to change the PHONE=11111 in ...
use mybatis insert sentence to: There is no getter for property named DictionaryType in class com.bjpowernode.crm.domain.DictionaryType the code is as follows: public int insertDictionaryType(DictionaryType dictionaryType) { SqlSessionFac...
divided into two parts, the first part, let s take a look at the error message , the second part, look at the code logic . part I: error message: GoShopping :: Entity DAO DAO Mapper in namespace in mapper, there is no such path as s...
errors in query operations using annotations and SQLProvider it is OK to use annotations directly, but not with SQLProvider. @Select({ "<script>" + "SELECT avator FROM t_user " + "WHERE id IN &quo...
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE generatorConfiguration PUBLIC "- DTD MyBatis Generator Configuration 1.0 EN" "http: dtd mybatis-generator-config_1_0....
mybatis input parameter is a list of type integer if there is only a 0 in the list, do not Filter this property otherwise, this field in list ...
1. Build the demo of springboot manually. The project service layer auto injection does not show that it cannot be injected. But the method that calls the service layer will statement not found. Then the @ Qualifier () annotation is used, and the servic...
using JDBCDataSouce is normal, startup and stop are normal, and no error is reported. when switching to C3P0 configuration in C3P0 XML: <!-- --> <bean id="dataSource_c3p0_properties" class="com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ComboPooledD...
how should I open the index implementation on the home page of the website to query the relevant data from the background database and then bind it to the page? ...
select <include refid="Base_Column_List" > from sys_permission where id = -sharp{id,jdbcType=INTEGER} < select> < mapper> if you change dao to List < SysRole > getRoleWithPermission (Inte...
recently, when (spring) integrates redis in a project, I always hold a null pointer exception when going to the factory instance: but the unit test is always normal: the following is the redis-config.xml file public class SpringContextUtil implement...
I m sorry about my careless problems. < span> ...
is a string made up of multiple id String ids = "1 id 2, 3 4 ". Now you want to traverse through the mybatis without cutting it into an array. What do you do according to the delete operation according to the id? I reported an error here: < where > ...
when operating on the database, the table is locked, the field value of the table is updated, the query is returned, and finally the table is unlocked. The sql statements executed without jdbc for are as follows: LOCK TABLE yh WRITE; UPDATE yh SET val...
for example, can I do this <association property=""> <association property="">< association> < association> I tried, and the compilation passed, but there was an error at run time, if not. the...
mybatis foreach tag <if test="map.itemNos!=null and map.itemNos.size()>0"> AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM COM_INV_ITEMS WHERE INVENTORY_ITEM_ID= h.INVENTORY_ITEM_ID AND SEGMENT1 IN <foreach item="itemNo&quo...
Creating a new SqlSession SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@79669d23] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.Def...
error prompt use: <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework< groupId> <artifactId>spring-orm< artifactId> <version>4.3.14.RELEASE< version> < dependency> <depend...
the data sent from the front desk is of date type, and then query how to report such an error in the field of date type of sql server database based on this data: ,date : : : ...
axios version: 0.18.0 and 0.17.1 axios var req = axios.create({ baseURL: http: , timeout: 15000 }) req({ method: get , url: node getList , params: { a: a } }) http: ?a=a ...
I now have multiple custom components written separately that contain input tags, and then a page calls multiple custom components to share an onKeyUp event, but I find that returns an input tag, so it is difficult to determine which custom com...
problem description failed to load json using bootstrap-table the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried the choice of parameter configuration has been tried, and onLoadSuccess can execute . related codes P...
problem description the agent configuration on the official website is useless. Ask for advice . related codes devServer:{ proxy:{ api :{ target: , ws:true, changOrigin:true, ...
solve the problem as shown in the picture ~ I can t see the original picture clearly! ...