xmlSpring boot 0.2.0dubbo-Spring-boot-starter :: how to configure it in dubbo-Spring-boot? I did not find the relevant content in the official document, ask for advice! ...
mysql is @ Column (name = "name ", columnDefinition = "varchar (100) comment comment ) what does postgresql do? ...
created a spring boot project with spring initializr in idea. Css is referenced in the html written with thymeleaf, but it is impossible to quote it alive or dead. It has been looked up on the Internet for a long time, but it is of no use. all kinds ...
my requirement is: the Android side requests the background interface, and then the background interface makes the background management system page pop-up dialog box, how to achieve it? as shown in the figure, the background interface is written i...
I used 1.x before, but I am not very proficient in transferring to java,1.x. Which is better to use for the new project? ...
springboot2.x integrates generic mapper tk.mybatis tk.mybatis.spring.annotation.MapperScan @ MapperScan ( "thinkme.demo.mapper ") is used in the startup class all settings are normal, so it s okay to change to the original mybatis. org.springfram...
configure concurrency spring.kafka.listener.concurrency=50 when a springboot program uses spring.kafka.consumer.group-id=orderGroup @ KafkaListener (topics = "orders "). if the program deploys two instances , are there 100 consumer threads that be...
problem description Environment: spring boot 2.0.4 java: 1.8 mysql and redis are used in the project console output @EnableJpaRepositories(basePackages = "com.acme.repositories.jpa") @EnableMongoRepositories(basePackages = "com.acm...
the RabbitTemplate class is used in spring-boot projects. Some businesses need manual ack, and some can automatically ack. What do you need to do? my idea: I don t know if it works? can you create multiple RabbitTemplate @ Bean to deal with differen...
problem description the Spring Boot project failed to publish to Apache Tomcat 7.0.57, but the Apache Tomcat 7.0.77 published locally was successful, and there are many differences between the Tomcat on the server and the local one. Local Tomcat To...
how does intellij modify the source code of maven jar packages, what plug-ins or other ways do you use ...
under the same maven project, one of the springboot modules A refers to the Controller,An in the other springboot module B and calls the BMagia A project through inheritance. It can be run directly, but when packaging with maven, A module is prompted to...
automatically create projects with idea pom file <modelVersion>4.0.0< modelVersion> <groupId>com.example< groupId> <artifactId>demo< artifactId> <version>0.0.1-SNAPSHOT< version> <packaging>jar&...
I put log4j.properties under the resources config folder. I don t recognize it, so I can only put it under the resources folder ....
entity 1 inherits another entity 2. Entity 2 is a public entity with id,createDate and other common attributes, so entity 1 does not need to write these fields, but the table cannot be built, and an error is reported: Error starting ApplicationContext....
spring security, is used in the project and csrf is enabled template engine is freemarker added csrf token input to login.ftl so now I have a question. Why do newly opened pages also have the problem of csrf token invalidation ...
Today, I heard others say that when designing a micro-service architecture, all the kubernetes that can be implemented by, spring cloud can be realized. I don t know how to understand spring cloud, as I understand it, should be an one-stop way to bui...
this service sets up context-path, to look fine from admin-ui, but seeing admin calling actuator health endpoints crazily on zipkin-ui, does any god know why? Rivers and lakes come to the rescue. ...
after Sping Boot integrates Mybatis, set console output to execute SQL logging: level: com...dao: debug this package is full of mapper interfaces generated by mybatis generator, and the console can output SQL. in addition, I have defined a gene...
query conditions are composed of String and List, such as: (List < String > id, String location, String status,.) The exact number of fields in the parameter is not certain. There may be more than one . how to implement this situation? you d better ...
flutter s sms package has a method to get all the text messages, but it returns a future object. how do I get the content and export it to a csv file? ...
I want to build the project with mvn before executing run Application in Eclipse. How do I configure this operation in Eclipse? I know that there is a before, in IDEA that can add such an operation before executing it. ...
The common problem with is that the server does not allow the front end to cross-domain, right? I know that it is a cross-domain problem, but the leaders do not know, please give some explanatory suggestions, it is also good to share the pot, thank you....
use vue-cli to develop the project, and then package it into a mobile phone app,. I want to get the unique identity of the device, but I have been unable to use the H5plus method. I would like to ask how I need to use h5plus in the project. here s how...
this is xml <resultMap id="result_report_QDHW_05" class="com.sunyard.csr.vo.Report_QDHW_05"> <result property="TIME_KEY" column="TIME_KEY" > <result property="...