want to measure the signal transmission time from the phone to the wifi, check the Android API and find no relevant information. main idea: Android receives information from the router; then read the time when the message was sent and the time it ...
Oh, my God, it s been fine all the time. Today, as usual, I turned on my phone wifi, and connected with my laptop. At this time, something strange happened. I don t understand why I suddenly couldn t visit Zhihu and NetEyun Music PC!? am I banned f...
ubuntu-12.04, uses usb network card rtl8192eu, installed linux driver installed hostapd, and configured hostapd.conf wifi to connect normally in sta mode. but use hostapd to do wifi hotspots, and convert them to AP, prompts that nl80211 is missing ...
querylist3.0, is adopted because of php version 5.6. but there is a problem: when the collected data reaches a certain amount (such as the first), php, the second), php will report an error. The location of the: The received content is empty, error is t...
problem description Hexo theme development found that locals.posts locals.categories behaves like an array, and you can use methods such as map, sort, and so on. But it s not exactly an array, for example, you can t use for.of.. Iterate. got very ...
1. Write some mini applications with node recently. Using mongoose. There is a small problem. Do not understand (may not understand the English document or do not understand). for example: video.find({},(err, videos) => { videos.forEac...
if you have a question, please go straight to the above picture res this is the data in network what is returned in network is correct. Why is this so? ...
1, the effect you want to achieve the script configuration in package is as follows: "dev": "webpack-dev-server --inline --progress --config build webpack.dev.conf.js" what you need to achieve now is to run npm run dev <some...