how can I download the audio synthesized by the text on this page? Address: https: nls tts... ...
After playing audio with the audio tag, the iPad (currently only found on iPad, and both high, middle and low end models will appear) will cause problems with subsequent sound effects played with AudioContext (the playback rate slows down inexplicably) ...
problem description In the vue environment, when the audio tag plays automatically, changing the v-if condition of the div tag at the same level to no will cause the current audio to be paused. there is no problem if you replace v-if with v-show ...
Target: get the file length before the audio is played. Terminal: ios Wechat version 6.7.1 phenomenon: the canplay event will only be triggered when the user manually clicks the play button. related codes var audio = document.getElementById("...
problem description add multiple videos and audio to < scroll > (multimedia files are determined by the file address and suffix coming from the background, and for+if is added to dom). The touchstart of better-scoll causes audio and video to be unable...
when I see Audio Example in SDL2, I have some doubts about some of the code. The code is as follows: sdl_audio_example.c -sharpdefine MAX_AUDIO_FRAME_SIZE 192000 TODO: 1. TODO: 2. audio_chunkaudio_pos = out_buffer?? static Uint8 *audio_ch...
ask a question. problem description how to access vue the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried call an audio file in vue. According to the online practice, https: woyidin. is always unsuccessf...
Code: if (navigator.getUserMedia) { navigator.getUserMedia( constraints { video: true, audio: true }, successCallback function (localMediaStream...
how to transcode from video to audio with pure JavaScript? (for example, mp4 to wav) PS: my goal is to grab the sound of the video from the web page into audio, and then recognize the text through platforms such as iFLYTEK. ...
has been working on a project recently. Audio playback is involved, but when the visited site is http, you can request mp3 resources, as shown in figure httpsmp3,: I hope the friends I see can answer it. Thank you . ...
because using JavaScript to call iFLYTEK speech recognition Web API, iFLYTEK (and others) only supports audio with a 16K sampling rate of (sampleRate). However, HTML5 s Web Audio has not found a way to convert the sampling rate. searched several othe...
event background: An exe program (designed to hang up for 24 hours to watch video) is written under . The program has a hypertext browse box embedded to open the specified URL and play the video in the URL. However, occasionally there will be buffer...
is to buffer an audio buffer, when it is connected to the Internet. When the buffer, is played off the network, how to continue to buffer and play the rest of the content when it is reconnected to the network? ...
use FFmpeg+SDL to play audio files. When the playback is finished, you do not want to quit the player, and users can still play it by sliding the progress bar. So what is the idea of implementation in the program? where to determine whether the file ...
requirements: play two audio files at the same time (duration: one long and one short). Playback requirements: as shown in the figure: Audio file 1 plays normally, and the total length of the file is greater than the set playback duration Audio...
Program api wx.getBackgroundAudioManager () problem my code js code is as follows < button> <view> {{time}} < view> The code above has no problem with the development tool, but I update ip6p and ip6sp time with iphone real m...
now attempts to play audio streams in ie11 or other ie kernel browsers, but ie11 does not support AudioContext so that it cannot be played; another tag, < embed >, does not seem to support decoding buffer, can only play files directly. has tried to writ...
in order to decode the aac audio stream sent from the background under ie11, I convert it to a blob address through URL.createObjectURL and assign it to the src of the audio element. This method can be used in Google browsers to play audio streams, but I...
the jump code is as follows. If you change the address, the page will be updated, and the style will return to the default. How to let active run with the click? function evn(days) { window.location.href = <?= Url::toRoute([ h5 footba...
problem description there are 6000 url, to start the celery generation task at 12:00 and send the queue to two servers to crawl. I use middleware to get 10 proxy ip to carry up the request at a time. After 100, I proceed to process the next set of 100...
I have defined an abstract class I have multiple subclasses to implement abstract methods of abstract classes export abstract class Base { doSomeThing() { } abstract beforeDo():void; } class work extends Base { beforeDo() { co...
how to implement the mobile end to scroll the parent element first when both the parent and child elements have scrollbars ...