I use vs code to write Linux c programs under Mac, and automatically Synchronize to my remote Linux server machine to compile and run tests. because you want to use the < epoll.h > library, the various constant definitions in it are not prompted unde...
describes the compile () function to compile a string into bytecode. Syntax the following is the syntax of the compile () method: compile (source, filename, mode [, flags [, dont_inherit]]) parameter source-- string or AST (Abstract Syntax Tree...
whether the data object refers to the area where the data is actually stored or the data stored, ask the boss to answer! ...
my project is relatively large. It takes 5 minutes to test and compile every time I modify the code. I stare at the screen and get tired, read the mobile phone news and get distracted. I can t read the technical tutorial for 5 minutes, and I can t slee...
this is a linked list recursive flip. at line 146, newNode, list- > next, newNode- > next- > next, all three addresses are the same. but after 146lines list- > next = NULL only changes the content of newNode- > next- > next Why didn t newNode beco...
-sharpinclude<stdio.h> -sharpinclude<string.h> -sharpinclude<winsock2.h> char buff[2001]; int main() { WSADATA wsaData; WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 0), &wsaData); int sockfd=socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0); socket ...
explain the while statement. this is the code that inputs an integer to find the sum of your numbers! < H1 > include < stdio.h > < H1 > int main () { int nmagma summers 0; printf ( "Please enter an integer: "); scanf ( "% d ", & n); while (n) ...
can you explain the meaning of this code ...
problem description you need to implement a distributed system that collects logs and data on a value data server. Is there a good solution without using messaging frameworks such as Kafka? ...
the following code outputs a left-aligned two-dimensional pyramid graph. How to center each line of the final graph? { int i,j; for(i=0;i<4;iPP){ for(j=0; j<i+1; jPP) printf("*"); printf(" n"); } ...
The format description entry of the printf function is [flag] [output minimum width] [. Precision] [length] Type if the position of the flag is filled in -, the meaning is "when the data width is less than the minimum width, the result is aligned left...
this is the program to get what is in each decimal bit of five digits, and can the parts of ten digits, hundred digits and thousands of digits be rewritten into a loop structure? -sharpinclude < stdio.h > int main (void) { int x = 0; short x0 dir...
this is a piece of code in C that calls ASM directly: http: blog.rchapman.org post. ...
when working in linux, software is often compiled, and configure is often used with a lot of parameters behind it. It is difficult to remember and easy to type wrong . Why can t you do that? put a configure.conf file in the current directory, and w...
void print_time(int hour, minute) { printf("%d:%d n", hour, minute); } defining parameters of the same type will result in an error. Why does the C language specify this? ...
guys, recently I want to learn to develop some system-oriented programs in C on Android. For example, git code link like this, at least you have to understand it first and can change it slightly. now I want to find some systematic books or videos to...
problem description there is an electronic compass on the hardware. After being disturbed, I need to calibrate it so that it points north correctly. I used the ellipsoid fitting method, but the success rate is not high, so I can t judge whether the c...
topic description the first problem is to write a program to achieve 1 squared, 2 squared, 3 squared, and so on, up to the sum of squares of 10. Requirements: the square function is realized by the subroutine SQRT, and the program structure applies th...
topic description string insertion StrInsert operation condition: string sscore t exists, 1 I strength (s) + 1. Operation result: the string t is inserted into the first character position of the string s, and the string value of s changes. source...
recently, after writing a PLC communication protocol, I sent it a command to read 1 byte after the address 0x0000 (the address 0x0000 exists in PLC, and sent successfully, and the data sent is correct), it should send me 12 bytes (including ACK, site nu...
problem description problems with uploading files using Multer in nodeJS the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried the front end receives a base64 string, organizes it into formData, and uses the append method to...
has anyone ever used firebase in weex? At present, there is no problem with web environmental testing, but as long as it comes to the native side, it is a blank. js error: like this after using playground WeexDemo <Weex>[exception]bundleJSType:V...
how to use element ui s loading in axio.js s interceptor, so that all requests have the effect of loading ...
problem description when the project was running, the following error occurred, that is, the cnpm run dev Times was wrong ERROR Failed to compile with 1 errors 17:3...
how to modify the lable color of el-form in element-ui ...