server.port=8090 Service ...
A hbase cluster with three nodes is now configured. configuration in the hosts file: node1 node2 node3 at the beginning, the java client queried the data and reported an error: Caused by:
Hello, prawns! activemqactivemq.xmlzk: <persistenceAdapter> <replicatedLevelDB directory="${} leveldb" replicas="1" bind="tcp:" zkAddress="
is the dubbo exception Not found exported service, caused by a zookeeper failure or a network problem? The log is as follows: [18-8-30 7:49:14:487 CST] 00000028 SystemOut O 2018-08-30 07:49:14,487 INFO [
as mentioned, I am a distributed project. Now we need to do a card grabbing function. Want to modify a method with synchronized and lock it, but the result is not optimistic I call the receiveVipCard () method of another service from one service, ...
2018-08-03 10:10:30,922 [localhost-startStop-1] WARN [] - [DUBBO] Failed to retriving ip address, iZuf65qsfkhp7ji7h6nkpmZ: iZuf65qsfkhp7ji7h6nkpmZ: Name or service not known, dubbo version: 2.5.3, current host: 12...
Why does the new version of kafka consumer and producer configuration use bootstrap-servers to directly configure broker list instead of using zookeeper server addresses? Don t consumers and producers of the new version of kafka no longer need to get...
it is said that in the master scenario, zk asks all machines to create temporary sequentially numbered directory nodes, and each time the machine with the lowest number is selected as the master,. Why is it the smallest and the most master, because the s...
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { ZkClient zkClient = new ZkClient("", 5000); zkClient.createEphemeral(" zkclient"); zkClient.subscribeDataChanges(" zkclient", new IZkDa...
the company has a very basic, very important function. Now want to turn it into a service, so the question is how to make the service highly available. Because the foundation is important, it must not be hung up because it is important, and there must be...
private boolean termPredicate(HashMap<Long, Vote> votes, Vote vote) { SyncedLearnerTracker voteSet = new SyncedLearnerTracker(); voteSet.addQuorumVerifier(self.getQuorumVerifier()); if (self.getLastSeenQuorumVerifie...
< H2 > question < H2 > storm applications built through maven work well in ide. Error occurred when submitting local storm services after packaging when pom s scop is configured with provided, storm error message is after package submission. F...
when configuring Zookeeper + solrcloud the last access interface, You can visit http: solr -sharp ~logging http: solr -sharp ~logging http: 8480 solr -sharp ~logging http: sol...
recently, I have been reading the principle and practice of distributed consistency from Paxos to zookeeper. There is one thing I don t understand about CAP on page 12: I may have a big problem with my understanding of the first paragraph in the p...
in which life cycle will I know that data is confirmed? data() { return { copyFoo: this.$function.xxxx, cheak: true, I have a data property of copyFoo, and I use a method to get copyFoo data, so it takes a period of time to get it, right?...
Why does the following program print false? the book says that java uses the same instance of String objects with the same content so why are references not equal? public class test { public static void main(String[] args) { String s1=&qu...
recently, I have done a lot of financial projects and found that sometimes there are always some small loopholes, leading to data confusion, such as calculating dividends and credits for users according to certain rules. If the calculation is wrong, the...
if css and js are packaged into a js file, how to ensure that the internal real js logic is executed after css rendering. ...
demand: an array Each element of the array is a string The string may be empty, that is, " " sort the array with special characters first and strings of length 0 first, that is, the example in requirement 3, followed by underscores. Other sp...