problem description because the request is to be rewritten, the old version uses an action parameter in body to execute different code. My plan is to use openResty . to minimize the problem and restore it, using location location ~ ^ oldpath interf...
for example: http: b x.html how do I proxy b x.html to the index.html in the server s local path folder? this configuration does not work, access appears 404 location ^~ b x .html { root data a ; } ...
server { listen 80; server_name; access_log data wwwlogs youdomain.com_nginx.log combined; index index.html index.htm index.php index.jsp; root usr local apache-tomcat-7.0.82 webapps ROOT; location { try_files $uri @pr...
when developing locally, there is no problem. After deployment, the front-end access to api reports 405, but access through postman is no problem. Trying egg-cors, does not seem to be work, want to know if it s the nginx configuration or the posture ...
the path to bt on my nas is rutorrent . The original configuration is as follows, so that when I visit it, it is rutorrent . But I want to remove the rutorrent at the end is to visit and rev...
Server: Aliyun system: Ubuntu 16.04.4 after installing nginx, I deleted the default of etc nginx sites-enabled using ln-s etc nginx sites-available default etc nginx sites-enabled default to establish soft link, reload nginx service, it is ...
problem description learn the deployment of springboot. Nginx+ssl, is built on the server to handle all https requests and forward the requests to several springboot services, so that springboot itself does not have to deal with ssl-related. This part...
the previous project (front and rear separation) is that the verification code and data acquisition are normal on the apache server! then switch to nginx server result graphics CAPTCHA cannot be verified! But there is nothing wrong with getting and su...
who knows how nginx can download files with the .mzp suffix? The mime.types file is still invalid after the application mzp mzp; restart is added! Direct access address, prompt: 500 Internal Server Error nginx ask the gods how to solve the problem...
if the question assumes that the domain name the first project is configured in, background configuration in admin both are vue projects, what should I do I will configure the project in the first root directory. How sho...
I have changed my domain name, but the previous domain name can continue to visit the website. what is wrong with this? ...
Let s start with why you need to load the configuration dynamically: We are working on a multi-site service. For example, user username1 owns the site https: Now I have solved this step by username under the folder with the...
since the company installed the php5.6 version before, I want to upgrade to php7 . After compiling and installing php7 , it is shown in the following figure: phpinfo5.6php7 ...
I have been using the C-sharp language to develop BS programs. IIS is my WEB server. I don t know what IIS is here. Because it can handle requests and interact with the back end at the same time. recently, when I was separated before and after learning...
Nginx+ftp urlnginxip192.168.159.188:6666nginx6666 http: images p1.png: ask for advice on how to display pictures instead of downloading pictures ...
when we want to use nginx to manage static resources, start nginx on the machine (the code part is part of the nginx configuration) where server_name can only be the address of the machine if the machine does not h...
problem description A website binds two domain names to access (, and then involves a jump problem ( to to and http to https configuration of Server segment on PC: set $flag 0; if ($scheme = h...
I, a docker running nginx and a docker running php7.2 I ran the swoole websocket service in php72 docker. I can work through br 9501 but when I configure proxy 9501 in nginx.conf, as long as I am a proxy nginx, I will hang up whether I am a p...
I installed directadmin, on a server and wanted to use cloudflare CDN to hide the real ip, so I used nginx inversion to communicate with the directadmin server (I have replaced directadmin s apache with nginx), nginx configuration as follows server { ...
nginx configuration file is as follows: nginx version: nginx 1.14.0 built by gcc 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-16) (GCC) built with OpenSSL 1.0.2k-fips 26 Jan 2017 TLS SNI support enabled configure arguments: --prefix= etc nginx --sbin-path= usr sbin ...