PHP enables students to finish paper papers, then upload photos through mobile phones, and then automatically correct objective questions . ask, are there any ideas or open source programs or off-the-shelf products for reference? ...
learn to use Tp5.1 when looking at other people s code, I think a lot of operations about the database are written into the controller; public function save() { $data = input( post ); $validate = $this->validate($data,"app commo...
the bottleneck of a project is generally the database, because the machine bottleneck can be solved by load balancer and many machines, and the bottleneck of database reading can be solved by multiple slave libraries, but how can concurrent writes be imp...
I used htaccess to obscure all my web site profile names RewriteRule ^xxx$ xxx.php it s just hypothetical that someone doesn t have a chat to call. Can php make it unable to find the web? ...
when uploading a file to obtain the file name encoding, the prompt is CP936 format . mb_detect_encoding($file_name, array( ASCII , GB2312 , GBK , UTF-8 )); Baidu says that CP936 is actually GBK. But using iconv( CP936 , UTF-8 IGNORE , ...
. configure --prefix= usr local php 7.2.7 --localstatedir= usr local var --sysconfdir= usr local etc php 7.2.7 --with-config-file-path= usr local etc php 7.2.7 --with-config-file-scan-dir= usr local etc php 7.2.7 conf.d --enable-bcmath --enable-calendar...
I have an .html file: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>test03< title> < head> <body> <button> test03 < button> < b...
has a demand. We need to search for the corresponding transportation company according to origin and destination . origin and destination need to select provinces, cities, regions (counties). If there is no corresponding transportation company in...
$m = new Memcached(); $res = $m->get( key ); if(empty($res)) { $ret = $m->set( key ); $ret && $this->insert($data); } Why does the insert data repeat in the above code? What is the correct way to write it? ...
I think it is encryption first, compression, base64 conversion, I do not know whether it is correct, and what encryption algorithm is generally used for encryption ...
use addAll to add multiple identical pieces of data in batches; that is to say, what is passed in from the front end is actually an one-dimensional array; how to do verification? For example: I want to verify fields such as typeId,price, num, count c...
504 Gateway Time-out 504 Gateway Time-out nginx ...
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($aa)){ $public_order_id = date( Ymd , time()).rand(1,999999); because there will be more than one br in an instant. my current idiotic approach is to use rand. , but 1999999 still has a chance to reproduce, bec...
for example, this is a problem that occurred when I installed the gmp extension locally ================== All 3 tests passed ================== Making check in cxx Library Developer CommandLineTools usr bin make t-binary t-cast t-cxx11 t-headers t-i...
problem description currently, data caching is done in the data layer, mostly using memcached or redis for data caching. but recently found that if you cache files directly, the first read is slower than mem, but the second time is much faster than m...
as the title: according to the specified ID number, query the previous record and the next record in the database respectively, and then return the ID number of this record. Please tell a small demo thank you. ...
after using Vagrant package-- output= " " successfully, the file was exported successfully, but my c drive took up a lot of space. I restarted windows, but there is nothing to return to the size of c disk before packing. Do experienced friends...
class A { const STR = "A"; public function x() { echo self::STR; } } class B extends A{ const STR = "B"; } (new B)->x(); the final output is A. how do you underst...
recently used the queue, used the official queue package top-think think-queue , successfully wrote the data into the queue after installation, but went to the consumption queue, that is, when using php think queue:work-- queue xxx, prompted that the c...
$client = new GuzzleHttp Client; $response = $client->request( POST , http: member.php?mod=logging&action=login&loginsubmit=yes&handlekey=login&loginhash=LRTTI&inajax=1 , array( form_params => array...
topic description Why can hashmap guarantee the visibility of its element node? the following code thread B can end immediately. I don t think the source code hashmap uses volatile or locking. related codes Please paste the code text below (d...
as shown below, metaspace and CCS account for more than 90%. Does this have a great impact on the process? How to deal with it? $JAVA_HOME bin jstat-gcutil 27553 S0 S1 E OM CCS YGC YGCT FGC FGCT GCT 0.00 100.00 13.05 97.12 94.61 9 0.306 3 0.469 0.77...
IDEA prompts unchecked cast operation, I add @ SuppressWarnings ( "unchecked ") to delete automatically when saving, install a save action plug-in, set remove unused suppress warning annotation is, is this unused suppression warning note? ...
in common scenarios in the background of administrators, the data is listed in table, paged and conditionally searched. previously made an admin that is written by react, so it doesn t matter if all the data are obtained asynchronously. but now you ne...
Hi strong gayss! when dealing with audio cutting today, I encountered the following problems. If you have encountered the same problem, please point out one or two 1 and failed to call a third party module pydub to try to cut the audio file of NetEa...