< H1 > 1. Problem description < H1 > No error is reported when the command line runs, and: redis server went away error occurs in the form of browser access server script < H1 > Test Code: < H1 > : < H1 > problem speculation < H1 > 1.php-redi...
the code is as follows $num = M ( log )-> where ( "date_format (create_time, %Y-%m ) = $date ")-> count ( id ); for($i = 0; ($i+5000)<=20000;$i += 5000){ $datas = M( credit_log )->where("date_format(create_time, %...
https: www.creams.io , for example, how can you tell what language his background is written in? ...
such a shopping cart page, how to write the price after deduction with gold coins at the front end is the final total ...
$courseDetail = M( course ) ->field( c.course_id,c.name,from_unixtime(c.time) as course_time,c.room_id,tu.teacher_id,tu.relname as teacher_name, tu.mobile as teacher_mobile,su.student_id,su.nickname as student_name,su.mobile as student_...
I just saw a PHP reversible encryption algorithm on csdn, in which ord (), chr () operation ASCII, is used. Will it be a problem if it is encoded in Chinese, because there is no corresponding ASCII; in Chinese ...
Hello, great gods. I really didn t understand it after studying it for a long time, so I sent a post for help! Website backstage login is always wrong password, but the database account and password are admin, password is correct, do not know why can ...
A solution found is as follows: function get_weekend_days($start_date, $end_date, $weekend_days=1) { $data = array(); $start_reduce = $end_add = 0; $start_N = date( N ,strtotime($start_date)); $start_reduce = ($start_N == 7) ? ...
error details are shown below: the running environment of the program in which the error occurs: the program opens multiple processes listening to the same port, while endless loop 1us calls stream_select to accept client connections + read ...
There is another one in the .on event. How to solve the problem is always incremented one by one when you click . tree.on("nodeselect", function (e) { if (e.isLeaf) { var id = e.node.id; grid.load({id:id}); ...
bulidelectron index.htmlpackage.json "abc ": "npm run build && electron build electron.js ", I copied an electron.js and a packpage.json, in the dist folder change the path of index.html in electron.js to the path of index in the current folder,...
problem description the official PHP Demo, has been deployed successfully in the development environment. The official link ...
I use mariaDB and php to write the article system ~ just how to strengthen and improve the article seo I put meta og:. in each article. Code of the series do you have any other skills or improvements that can be improved is to make the article easier...
to write several mobile pages, you need to use the components provided by ant design mobile to develop. How to use this thing, the document doesn t understand much at first and which of the two ways mentioned above should be used, ah, to find a so...
the php project is deployed on docker. The master node returns the websocket server built by Swoole at port 10028 and listens on port 9502. The client failed to connect using IP plus port 9502. How to solve this problem ...
phpword download generates word document error, and the file content garbled problem is solved by commenting out $value = utf8_encode ($value); has been solved, but the file opening time will report an error, although it can be opened eventually, but th...
recently, I have encountered a lot of problems in static page, such as 1. In the background, add the article through ajax, and then call the method to achieve static, but will the entire page content respond back? 2. After adding articles, how to ...
situation description: A Table: user s coupon Information Table, Field: id,ticket_id,status B Table: voucher Information Table, Field: id,ticket_info,status in Model A, there is the following code: class An extend Model { public function getUserTi...
this is the backend code <?php $password=$_POST[ password ]; function getRandPass(){ $chars = ("0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"); $min = 6; $max = 9; $len = mt_rand($min,$max); $password= ; $a_len = strlen($chars); for...
the application scenario is that the landlord plays the cards sequentially and each player plays the cards for 30 seconds. You can reconnect with the seniors to instruct the server. Thank you ....
the project uses a third-party H5 instant messaging service, and the current effect is as follows: : the messages on the left and right sides are inconsistent. Since I have not been in contact with instant messaging before, I do not know what is t...
an error occurred while traversing the picture file with os s join File "D: Anaconda3 envs tensorflow-gpu lib genericpath.py", line 149, in _check_arg_types (funcname, s.__class__.__name__)) from None TypeError: join() argument must...
this is the resource I found http: jsfiddle.net qF7Ff what I m doing now is to use js s filereader to generate every base64 address , each predicted to be an input name=icon [] , and then to download each video , so it will be < input name= "ico...
when typing in the input input box, there can be no spaces at the beginning and end, but there can be spaces in the middle of the text . is there any regular or other way to implement this? ...
<div draggable="true"> <input > < div> if input is worth it and cannot be selected by mouse, div will be dragged it is not valid to add draggable= "false " to the input element; ...