question shouldn t the connection method be the same with or without an account password? when viewing the Memcached driver file of Yii2, it is found that a binary connection is made when there is an account password, otherwise a simple connection ...
router. Js will report errors when using import packaging, but using require packaging will not report errors but will not achieve lazy loading packaging in router.js import Vue from vue ; import VueRouter from vue-router ; Vue.use(VueRouter); ...
for example, the main points are as follows: Management of pdf files temporarily generated to view invoices in the form of saving invoice data use of electronic signatures, check Verification of electronic invoices, mainly verifying signatures an...
When git push, prompt fatal: empty ident < git@ebs-27404. (none) > not allowed but I have set up mailbox and user name in my server is it possible to set one in the hook? post-receive git config ...
Today it is 10 shock 19 echo strtotime(date( Y-m-d , time())); output 1539921600 is 12:0:0 on 2018-10-19 three days ago, it was 10 shock 16 . echo strtotime(date( Y-m-d , strtotime( -3 days ))); output 1539662400 is 12:0:0 on 2018-10-16 se...
db.categoryGoods.aggregate ([{$match: {categoryId:2841} ) ,{$lookup:{from:"goods",localField:"goodsId",foreignField:"_id",as:"goods"}} ,{$project:{_id:0,goods:1}} ...
customers are required to click the download button on the page to jump directly to the default browser instead of submitting and clicking the button in the upper right corner. I have also seen this practice, how can it be realized? ...
as follows: Connection to `ssl: failed: telnet 443 can be connected. use it on the Internet: php -r "print_r(openssl_get_cert_locations());" the printed result is Array ( [default_cert_file] => et...
I test with the simplest code, opens the transaction, inserts data, and rolls back . but the database still inserts new data . my database type is InnoDB so I wonder if that s what it says in the document, pay attention to make sure your dat...
requirement: when the data is saved, the time type used is timestamp, so the current insertion time is automatically saved. Then I need to count the data I inserted, and count it by time period. First, show all the months in which the data exists, click ...
The code has only one line, as follows, IP is written by me blindly, and there is no in order to see it take effect. var_dump(exec(sprintf( usr sbin iptables -I INPUT -s %s -j DROP , ))); 1 browser access, no effect write, feedback in...
install using phpstudy integrated (apache php7.2.10 mysql5.5) environment under opencart3 win7 environment; show that CGI FastCGI has stopped working when submitting an order; payment code.php confirm : code.php confim ; model checkout orde...
linux server, a master server, the speed of using tp5 to connect to the website opened by mysql, is too slow, how to solve it? skip_name_resolve this part of the code has been added ...
in many frameworks, each table corresponds to a model,. We usually add a service layer in the MVC to deal with business logic. Why not directly manipulate the db class in the service layer What is the advantage of the framework doing this (one model p...
now the project wants to monitor the identification result of a software and use socket to communicate with the software, but it is found that the result cannot be received and read circularly all the time. Do you have any good solutions? $socket =...
after the php version was switched from 5.x to PHP7.x, phpmyadmin prompted "missing mcrypt extension. " Please check the PHP configuration. " under windows, the phpstudy environment is used ...
Update suppose there is a domain named I rewrite the domain using htaccess DocumentRoot Web root is I rewrote the src blog.php file to blog , so I hid the filename . RewriteRule ^blog$ src blog.php I went to the linod...
The getInitializer function in the autoload_static.php of Composer accesses the private properties of the ClassLoader class, causing the IDE (PhpStorm) to prompt "member has private access " error, as shown in the red box in the figure: in fact, t...
public function exchangeComponentAccessToken(){ $values[ config ][ app_id ] = xxx ; $values[ config ][ secret ] = xxx ; $values[ config ][ verify_ticket ] = xxxx ; $app = new Container($values); ...
phpexcel failed to export to a specific directory $objWriter- > save ( download .$filename. .xls ); local access interface can, but failed to access the server save can I specify a directory? what if I want to export to a specific directory?...
js closures, from which direction can we better understand closures? I always feel that my understanding is not very clear ...
example figure 1: 2: Overview: example figure is a quotation form for Ctrip backend the price composition of each item will be a little different if you move the scroll bar, the leftmost and rightmost columns can remain unchanged * * because ...
a.js this is node to export a class let Person = function () { = ; } Person.prototype = { constructor:Person, say:function () { console.log( my name is; } }; module.exports.Person = Person; b.js reference a.js file ...
the requirement is to have a Wechat official account and a QR code. On the mobile phone, you want to open Wechat directly to the official account interface. received that H5 + can call mobile phone software. I haven t found a way to open the correspond...
as I described above, for the first time, my creat-react-app project has no problem after it has been deployed with serve-s. the files under the build generated by the second, npm run build, I re-enter and deploy with the serve-s command, but when I op...