How to use the full screen function of fullscreen in the dialog component of element-ui

if you want to click, you can turn on or off the full screen:

<el-button type="text" @click="dialogVisible = true"> Dialog</el-button>  
<el-dialog fullscreen :visible.sync="dialogVisible ">
    <el-button class="fullscreen">
      <i class="full"></i>




the vue,element-ui you just learned is also in the beginner stage. Ask God to teach you how to use the Attributes of the component


in fact, the crux of the problem is that if fullscreen uses api, it must be event-driven. What do you mean, you have to click on it, just like you watch the full screen of LVB, so you should write this attribute in the wrong way.

store = {
    isfullscreen: false

<el-button type="text" @click="dialogVisible = true"> Dialog</el-button>  
<el-dialog :fullscreen="isfullscreen" :visible.sync="dialogVisible ">
    <el-button class="fullscreen">
      <i class="full"></i>




must be obtained through getters, so I won't write. The idea of
is to define global variables. Click isfullscreen =! isfullscreen , so that every dialog is controlled by this variable on the full screen, but every dialog should write the value of the fullscreen attribute as isfullscreen
