The problem of uploading the form with the ajaxSubmit method of jquery-form.js

ajaxSubmit uploads the form containing pictures. Both chrom and ie-edge browsers can succeed. Below ie-edge, only call back erro (compatibility mode of ie-edge browsers, ie kernel). The form contains pictures, and you can"t see any reason from the error message

            url: $("-sharpform").attr("action"),
            dataType: "json",
            method: "post",
            success: function (res) {
            error: function (data) {            

1. Please post the complete code: form structure
2. Open network, to view only the xhr, click error response, focusing on request header
3. Didn't the error message in the picture tell you that the message,description field is invalid? The name field is malformed
4. I changed my reply for a long time. Oh, my God, I wanted ajax to support ie. Omg
