Python3 WeChat Pay asynchronously notifies django

ask for help! WeChat Pay callback of django, there is a problem receiving asynchronous notifications.

Code first:

    def weChatQRCodeNotify(request):
        order_result_xml = -sharp
        doc = xmltodict.parse(order_result_xml) -sharpxmldict
        out_trade_no = doc["xml"]["out_trade_no"] -sharp
        return """

now the problem has been locked. The first line of code
order_result_xml = ()-sharp extracts data from the request stream
prompts http without request attribute under python3. If you directly let order_result_xml equal to the string < xml >. < / xml > , it is successful.

so what method can python3 use instead of () ? Or what method can directly obtain the xml data from POST.

Thank you!

because it is a POST request, the xml content is in the body of the request, so you can get the xml data directly through request.body, but it is a string, so you just need to convert it into a dictionary.
