Angular CLI stuck at 95% emitting LicenseWebpackPlugin after executing ng-serve.

after the Angular CLI installation is successful, everything is normal to create the project. Install the dependency package using cnpm install, and stay stuck at 95% emitting LicenseWebpackPlugin after executing ng-serve.



page does not start properly!


abandon the use of cnpm, and use yarn
1. Delete node_modules (there is no need to delete the project directory to re-ng new)
3.npm start (ng serve)


1 cnpm instal @angular/cli (npm);
2 ng new ngng ng new my-app --skip-install ;
3 yarn npm install -g yarn
4 my-app yarn ng yarn

Gitclone code npm installng serve --open

the previous error is : npm install-g cnpm-- registry=

I don't know if you have solved this problem. I have encountered it several times in the project.
there are generally two reasons,

  1. the computer does not have enough memory. You can try to modify the command in package.json to increase the running space

something like this:

"start": "node --max-old-space-size=6144 ./node_modules/@angular/cli/bin/ng serve --progress --aot",
  1. Command Line Interface command line client

you can consider switching to use vs code's built-in terminal to start, and you should be able to start.

in fact, you don't have to abandon cnpm,. After all, the domestic environment is more comfortable with cnpm. You can download the installation package using cnpm, and then load it using npm install.

encountered the same problem. Solution: do not install dependency packages when using npm, (I download dependencies at the same time when I practice, ng new project), use the command ng new project-skip-install, and then run the command
cd project
npm install
ng serve >-- open
the project does not jam 95% of the problem.
