How can this effect be achieved?

I would like to ask how to achieve this effect, QQ chat why sometimes send a link is the first form, sometimes a link is the second form?



: qq



there is a corresponding relationship between the above two parts. Take a look at it for yourself.
but my website does not have this effect if it is written in the same way.


there are only two options. One is that Tencent has previously crawled the web content of this link and proposed that the title, captured the image in the Meta tag to generate such a card; another possibility is that various websites cooperate with Tencent to upload the xml, including the link and the corresponding title and images through docking with Tencent's open platform.
I can't find any specific documents for docking with Tencent's open platform, but I've done the bidding rankings and search rankings made by SEM and SEO, search engines, all of which are done in this way.

add: the content in the
< title > tag is the display tab provided by this page to the browser, as follows:

<meta name='description'>:<br><span class="img-wrap"><img src="" alt="clipboard.png" title="clipboard.png"></span> </p> <p> this may be because Tencent's search engine hasn't grabbed your web page yet, or it takes time for him to process it, or you haven't submitted a xml, for him to crawl. </p> </div> <div class="container-btm"> <p><strong>Previous:</strong> <a href="">Github project push failed, prompt Permission to.. Denied to deploy key</a></p> <p><strong>Next:</strong> <a href="">Direct operation of props, is not recommended in vue. 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