How does rabbitmq enable multiple consumers to perform tasks concurrently, such as sending registration verification emails in batches?

in the process of using rabbitmq, I now encounter a thorny problem, which is similar to multithreading, such as sending registration verification emails.
I am now writing with the c-sharp console application, and I can only open multiple windows to enable multiple consumers to execute tasks concurrently, as shown in the following figure.

now my question is whether I can start multiple consumers to process it with only one window open, and I may put this application into the window service to execute in the future.
I have tried to create multiple consumer, in channel and then start these consumer, result programs. Still, there is only one consumer working, and the task is executed one by one on Synchronize.
rabbitmq has few articles on this aspect. I have searched websites both at home and abroad, but I can"t find a solution.

one master opens multiple worker processes

to give you a reference: the usage in
SpringBoot is that you can set the number of consumers through the concurrency parameter in the RabbitListener annotations on the consumer side. The specific usage is as follows:

@RabbitListener(queues = 'my_queue_name', concurrency = "5")