With regard to the problem of getting focus on Vue, a saved effect is lost.

uses the frame is vue+Element-UI,
now encounters the problem is in a table, there is a grade table.
Click the current cell input tag to display and get focus, change the value after losing focus to save data, input hide,
vue official website has a custom instruction, is used to get focus. But it doesn"t seem to work for me. Let"s see if there are any other ways. Let"s look at the code next!


                <el-table-column prop="orderCount" label="" align="center">
                <template slot-scope="{row,$index}">
          <!--   @click="chengenum($index)"  -->
                        <!--   v-show="!editable[$index]"         :class="editable[$index] ? "activeClass" : "count-num""  -->
                    <el-input type="text"
                    <span  @click="chengenum($index)" v-focus class="input-num" v-show="!editable[$index]">{{row.orderCount}}</span>


  changeCount(row, index) {
  this.grade = row.orderCount * 1;
  let _this = this;
  let datecount = {
    id: row.id,
    orderCount: _this.grade
  let sorting = "";
      method: "POST",
      async: true,
      url: sorting,
      data: datecount
      function(res) {
        if (res.data.success) {
          // _this.onSubmit();
        } else {
      function() {
  this.$set(_this.editable, index, false);
chengenum(row) {
  this.$nextTick(function() {
    this.editable[row] = true;
    this.$set(this.editable, row, true);
      function () {



because you use the input component of element, you can only use the methods defined by this component.


  directives: {
    focus :(el, binding,vode) => {
        let style = el.style
        if(style.display == 'none'){
          // console.log(vode)
           let inputs = el.getElementsByTagName('input');
           let input = inputs[0];

you can use the event @ blur
of element on the first floor, or you can add native

by native method.