After VUE is packaged, some of the images are in the wrong path.

the path of the generated image after packaging is not correct
/ / 404 (Not Found)

but on the same page, other pictures can be displayed normally
background: url (. TkDBgHvGSXgwZzJfbCy0ZGZBc+NP9OBMtJV7QVjSd2dvnjH0UTja314l9CAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC) no-repeat;

what"s the problem?


check the webpack configuration. Images that use url-loader, below the limit will be converted to base64. Images larger than the limit size are compiled to the specified directory. The specific configuration should be similar to. / config/index.js, check this configuration, this is my project configuration, depending on your project configuration.





I modified the webpack to put the hash value after the picture when generating the hash value

the final plan is to find build- > utils.js, and add a sentence publicPath:'../../',

to it.