Under the IE browser, what is the difference between the style of the vue project uploaded to the server and the local style?

in a vue project, the local running code localhost:8080 is different from the server ip address in ie11 browser and 360browser, as follows
Local style


if I click anywhere on the page on the server or move the mouse into the navigation bar area, it will return to normal
here is the code

< li class= "col-md-2 offset-md-2" > < router-link to= "/" class= "sel index" > Home < / router-link >

.router-link-exact-active {

background: -sharp008fd7;
color:  -sharpfff3cd;

nav ul li .sel {

display: inline-block;
padding: 0 .3rem;

I tried to clear the cache, compatibility, and so on, but didn"t solve it. But I do not think it is a compatibility problem, if it is a compatibility problem, then there will be a style problem locally, but the local is good, the problem appears in the server style, when I click on the review element on the server, as long as I click on the page to return to normal, it is not convenient to view the style, tried a lot of methods have not been solved, who knows what is going on or there is a solution? Thank you very much

first check on the browser to see if the local and online buttons have the same style, and then see if cssnano

should be a matter of style weight. After packaging, the style weight changes, resulting in a difference. If you look at the style rewriting in some places, especially the public style, you'd better add! important.

I changed the writing, canceling the padding, rewriting to set the width relative to the parent element as a percentage, so that the local style is the same as the server style. I have tried import, before, but it has not been solved effectively
