How to slide to the left and appear the delete button on the PC tablet

in my humble opinion, slipping left and right on PC is not particularly recommended.

  • because many domestic browsers have their own mouse gestures, it is easy to cause functional conflicts.
  • and PC users have no awareness of sliding on the browser page and must be guided and prompted.
  • in comparison, I think a custom right-click menu is a better choice.

screw his product manager, or you give me the address to do him

personally, I think you can quarrel with the product

would rather put a < guide the user to click and then exhale delete button rather than slide left, the browser left slide in addition to the problems mentioned earlier, but also conflict with the selected Chinese text.

mouseover display

mouse event to judge x at mousedown and x at mousemove. Display

if mousemove x is less than mousedown x