Using the content generated by angularJS, how to default the scroll bar scroll position

how to scroll the scroll bar to the specified content by default after using ng-reapeat to generate content.
html part of the code is

<div class="scrollHorizontal">
        <div class="cebTitleScroll identityItem" v-class="{"ceb_border_Pop":($index==defaultIdentity)}"
             v-repeat="item in visaInfo.identity" v-click="chooseIdentity($index)">{{item.identityTitle}}

data is mounted in init. Using js native or jq operation scroll bar has the problem that dom is not generated and cannot be operated.

// var identityDomChoose = document.getElementsByClassName("identityItem");
            // console.log(identityDomChoose);

if you do this, identityDomChoose is normal and there is data inside HTMLCollection, but my identityDomChoose.item (x) or identityDomChoose [x] will undefind

how to scroll the content automatically so that it can achieve the following effect:


there is a solution, which is to set the delay to avoid the time when the ngrepeat loop is inserted into the dom, so that the dom node can be obtained normally and operated by the native method, but it always feels strange. Is there any other way to solve it, such as css? I understand ng1 if it can't be implemented directly.
