Ubuntu gitclone failed after a success, and many people who may have problems on the Internet have tried it, but it still doesn't work.

  1. after uploading to Cloud using git locally, I tried that git clone can pull down the project on the server.
  2. but the following error occurred when using pm2 for automatic deployment.
   full fetch
Cloning into "/www/myblog/production/source"...
Write failed: Broken pipe
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
fatal: early EOF
fatal: index-pack failed

  failed to clone

Deploy failed

I use pm2 for the first time, so I don"t quite understand it. Then there is a successful execution of git clone on the server, but an error is found

remote: Counting objects: 7450, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (5141/5141), done.
Write failed: Broken pipe6556/7450), 4.99 MiB | 9.94 MiB/s
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedlyMiB | 9.94 MiB/s
fatal: early EOFs:  91% (6780/7450), 4.99 MiB | 9.94 MiB/s
fatal: index-pack failed

I checked around on the Internet and said that the project was too big and that I wanted to change various config configurations, etc., but I also changed it. But still invalid, do not quite understand what is going on, according to reason, the first time has been successful once, the configuration should not be a problem. I can"t figure out what went wrong. Please take a look at it for me.

< hr >

good dog blood, I have tried many times and found that I will succeed once in a while. Is it a network problem? But I don"t think I should.
and I can use my own computer almost every time.

Cloning into "/www/myblog/production/source"...
   hook post-setup
   setup complete
--> Success


is not completely solved yet, but it should be a problem on the network. Often fail in the middle of downloading, just swipe the command a few times. I don't know if there is a complete solution. Both the warehouse and the server are located in China, so I really can't figure it out
