Spring"s actual combat book is really piecemeal and piecemeal.
or the common fault of master writing, some things for beginners do not know how to operate, but in the eyes of experts are all written as soon as the project is written, do not mention it or mention it before, and then do not mention even the necessary premise of the later operation.
Section 2 of Chapter 2 mentions that the Automated Assembly Bean, mentions the use of @ ComponentScan annotations in the java-config file before informing the project that annotation scanning is turned on. no, no, no.
but the question is how do you let the project know about this java-config file?
ApplicationContext context = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext (CDPlayerConfig.class);
how about this? But which java file of the project is this created in? If it is a web project, it feels more appropriate to put it in the birth method of ServletContext listeners, what about other projects?
Hey. Heart tiredness