What is the meaning of foreign content in W3C documents?


when reading an article, there is a link to a W3C document, mainly about the process of browser parsing HTML. Because the browser has a fault-tolerant mechanism, even tags written outside < / html > will be parsed into the < body > tag, but as far as I understand it, there is no clear indication in the document how to parse the content outside the < html > tag, except for the paragraph . But since it is not clear what the foreign content means here, it is not sure whether this paragraph is a rule for parsing content outside the < html > tag. I hope the bosses will guide us.


Thank you for the invitation. foreign content refers to MathML or SVG.

refer to insertion mode on how to correct the error. The entry points for various situations are listed, and the corrective steps are usually taken in the last step of each situation Anything else .
