it takes too long to calculate online 200-dimensional vectors using cosine similarity
is there any fast calculation method
Thank you for java
it takes too long to calculate online 200-dimensional vectors using cosine similarity
is there any fast calculation method
Thank you for java
In [18]: a.shape
Out[18]: (200,)
In [19]: b.shape
Out[19]: (200,)
In [20]: timeit dot(a, b)/(norm(a)*norm(b))
8.56 s 929 ns per loop (mean std. dev. of 7 runs, 100000 loops each)
the time I tested with numpy is 8 s
, and there is no reason for java to be slower than this. Is it too slow for your system to require even s
or your problem is not clearly described, is there a large number of 200-dimensional arrays, and then find the one that is most similar to the input array?
in this case, a certain pre-filter is required to filter out a small range of candidate arrays.
for example, if there are 100,000 articles, each article is vectorized into a 200-dimensional array, then about 100 candidate articles should be selected by article category, publication time, etc., and then the similarity of the article vector should be calculated.
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