Vuedraggable is used on mobile and conflicts with browser sliding events under Android QQ Browser and Wechat. Have you ever encountered a partner in this situation?

on iPhone, both Wechat and other browsers are OK and want to achieve perfection, but in Android, Tencent browsers such as Wechat"s built-in browser and QQ Browser cannot achieve this effect.
the code is as follows

<draggable v-model="tags" :move="getdata" @update="datadragEnd" :options="dragOption">
      <!-- <transition-group> -->
          <div v-for="(item,index) in tags" :key="index" class="dragDiv">
              <panel :class="item.selected ? "selected" : """ :header="" :list="item.list" :type=""5"" @click.native="panelClick(item)"></panel>
              <img src="../../../static/images/close_red.png" class="close_red" v-show="editable" @click="DeleteItem(item,index)"/>
      <!-- </transition-group> -->
    dragOption: {
        disabled: true
       getdata (evt) {
    datadragEnd (evt) {
      console.log(" :" + evt.oldIndex)
      console.log(" :" + evt.newIndex)
      this.dragOption.disabled = true
      for (let item of this.tags) {
        item.selected = false
    changeDrag () {
      this.editable = !this.editable
    panelClick (item) {
      this.dragOption.disabled = !this.dragOption.disabled
      item.selected = !item.selected

Brother, have you solved it yet? I also encounter this problem now, ios Wechat is no problem, Android Wechat is currently not oppo.

have you found a solution?
