How to get the extra parameters passed by element upload: data?

I use element to upload images and send extra parameters. How do I get these extra parameters?
the file I printed on on-success is like this. What are the extra parameters of,: data?

part of the code:

<div v-for="(color_info,index_color) in color_list1" >
    <input   type="text" v-model="color_info.color_name">
    <a @click="delete_color(index_color)" class="btn btn-info"></a>
    <input   type="text" v-model="color_info.price" >
    <input   type="text" v-model="color_info.stock" >
    <el-upload class="avatar-uploader"     
        <img v-if="color_url" :src="color_url" class="avatar">
        <i v-else class="el-icon-plus avatar-uploader-icon"></i>

what I want is to upload the color_info, while uploading the picture. I want to get the color_info.color_name, in on-success. I can"t find where the color_info is, and I can also get the color_info.color_name, in the background, so I want to know where the parameters passed by data are stored in file and how to get


attribute of upload component with data
: data= "uploadIconData" (my uploadIconData is an object: {"thumbnail": true})

The data attribute of

upload is for the background, and none of the parameters in the hooks provided by upload will have this data

if you want to access data, in success, you can add a currentUploadData to your own data, add a @ click.native = xxxx (color_info) event in the Upload component and pass color_info in, let this.currentUploadData = color_info, in the xxxx method and then color_info it through this.currentUploadData in success.

however, when uploading more than one file at a time, success will also be called multiple times. Please note

take the PHP background as an example. Ordinary reception of data in object format is fine.
HTML: : data= "data"
JS: data: {"id": "123"}
/ / response type

$fileName = $_FILES["file"]["name"];
$json= array('id'=>$_POST['id']);
$arr = json_decode(json_encode($json),true); 
$id = $arr['id'];
echo "id:".$id;