I use element to upload images and send extra parameters. How do I get these extra parameters?
the file I printed on on-success is like this. What are the extra parameters of,: data?
part of the code:
<div v-for="(color_info,index_color) in color_list1" >
<input type="text" v-model="color_info.color_name">
<a @click="delete_color(index_color)" class="btn btn-info"></a>
<input type="text" v-model="color_info.price" >
<input type="text" v-model="color_info.stock" >
<el-upload class="avatar-uploader"
<img v-if="color_url" :src="color_url" class="avatar">
<i v-else class="el-icon-plus avatar-uploader-icon"></i>
what I want is to upload the color_info, while uploading the picture. I want to get the color_info.color_name, in on-success. I can"t find where the color_info is, and I can also get the color_info.color_name, in the background, so I want to know where the parameters passed by data are stored in file and how to get