Regular verification of the contents of the input box

I need to type in this input box, including Chinese, English, numbers, Chinese punctuation, English punctuation, and now add spaces and enter. The regular expression I used earlier is as follows: ^ [A-Za-z0-9\ u4e00\ u9fa5\ t* |\ u3002 |\ uff1f |\ uff01 |\ uff0c |\ u3001 |\ uff1b |\ uff1a |\ u201c |\ u201d |\ u2019 |\ uff08 |\ uff09 |\ u300a |\ u3008 |\ u3009 |\ u3010 |\ u3011 |\ u300e |\ u300f |\ u300f |
but now that it has been changed, it still can"t be verified. Is there a good way to do it?


reverse, since anything is fine, it is a non-special character.
