opened a tun network card to grab the package
client http sends post
375 bytes seq: 148255172 ack:1
1241 bytes seq: 148255491 ack:1
1504 bytes
payload 48 54 54 50
(375 bytes)payload50 4f 53 53
Why is it truncated
opened a tun network card to grab the package
client http sends post
375 bytes seq: 148255172 ack:1
1241 bytes seq: 148255491 ack:1
1504 bytes
payload 48 54 54 50
(375 bytes)payload50 4f 53 53
Why is it truncated
such as the question, is there something wrong with my understanding? Ask for advice. ...
according to the data queried on the Internet, any element in the TCP quad belongs to a different connection. then the assumption that the same client connects to the unreachable ports of different servers is true. Open port 8081 on the server, and try...