How to display DatePicker directly in element-ui

DatePick is used as a Form component

now I want it to be expanded by default, and I don"t want the input box to be displayed on the page all the time. What can I do?


you can use the built-in components in packages of element-ui . The simple operation is as follows:
first create a DatePanel.vue

in the project's component directory . / components/ .
  <div class="date-panel">
    <date-panel ref="datePanel" @pick="pick"></date-panel>
import DatePanel from 'element-ui/packages/date-picker/src/panel/date.vue';

export default {
  props: {
    date: {
      default: new Date(),
      type: Date
    showTime: {
      default: false,
      type: Boolean
  components: {
  model: {
    prop: 'date',
    event: 'change'
  mounted() {
    this.$refs.datePanel.value =;
    this.$refs.datePanel.showTime = this.showTime;
    this.$refs.datePanel.visible = true;
  methods: {
    pick(date) {
      this.$refs.datePanel.value = date;
      this.$refs.datePanel.resetView && this.$refs.datePanel.resetView();
      this.$emit("change", date);
<style scoped>
  .date-panel >>> .el-picker-panel__footer{ display: none!important; }
  .date-panel >>> .el-picker-panel{box-shadow:none;border:0}

then configure webpack or vue.config.js . Here's an example of vue.config.js configuration

const path = require("path");

function resolve (dir) {
  return path.join(__dirname, dir);

module.exports = {
  // element-ui
  chainWebpack: config => {

finally use

in other components
  <div id="test">
    <DatePanel v-model="date" :show-time="true" />

import DatePanel from './components/DatePanel.vue'

export default {
  name: 'test',
  components: {
  data() {
    return {
      date: new Date(),
      showTime: false,
  watch: {
    date(val) {

I gave you a rough look at awesome-vue-sharpdate-picker .

for example, charliekassel/vuejs-datepicker this,
has a < datepicker: inline=" true "> < / datepicker > , the effect should be exactly what you want, only the selection panel, no input box.
/ DEMO running result , you may need a ladder, otherwise there are resources that cannot be loaded.

if the style doesn't match, you may need to refer to the source code to write your own component.
I looked for it. Take 1.4.10 as an example, the date or time that pops up selects the source code of the panel component node_modules/_element-ui@1.4.10@element-ui/packages/date-picker/src/panel/


look more at the official ecology. In fact, many of them already have ready-made wheels, not necessarily using other people's wheels, but they can also provide a self-made idea, which is also a good opportunity for exercise

writes you an example of expanding the date selector by default to see if there is any inspiration:

I hope my answer will be helpful to you!

how did you deal with the landlord's problem in the end?
