try all kinds of methods on the Internet all night without solving it, using Wampserver3.1.3,PHP7.0.29,Apache2.4.33.
php_xdebug 2.6.0 is a checked state in Wamp"s php extension.
I didn"t find Xdebug, in phpinfo at first and then started searching. At first, I tried a lot of php.ini configurations, all of which were more or less the same, but still couldn"t find Xdebug. Then, according to the suggestion of a post, copy the contents of phpinfo to, download dll (php_xdebug-2.6.0-7.0-vc14.dll) according to the instructions given, and place it in the corresponding directory (original wamp default under / zend_ext, recommended under / ext). Modify php.ini, or no Xdebug, Copy the updated phpinfo content to, or display the last result.
searched again without success, but still couldn"t find a solution.