Mini Program simulator is fine, but the style is out of order on the real machine, how to solve this?

style of simulator




<block  wx:for="{{catCards}}">
  <view class="cat_item" bindtap="navToNovelList" data-id="{{item.typeid}}" data-txt="{{}}">{{}}</view>

  background: -sharpefefef;
  color: -sharp666;
  font-size: 29rpx;
  line-height: 60rpx;
  text-align: center;
  margin: 0 0 38rpx;
  border-radius: 29rpx; 

according to these two pictures, I really don't know what caused it. For this kind of classification, it is recommended to use an elastic box, and it is also convenient to add a dictionary

to attack the code in the future. I guess it is caused by floating

. There is no code that can't see what's wrong with you. It is recommended to use the elastic box model layout: flex

use remote debugging on the developer's tools for debugging. Due to the different kernels of real machines and developer tools, it is inevitable that the presentation of styles is not uniform.
