The @ click bound method in vue cannot be executed immediately.

one of the components of vue is to display Weibo. When Weibo has a large number of words, click "expand" to show the full text, otherwise "put away" to omit the full text.
but the click events bound by "expand" and "fold" cannot be executed immediately. It takes the mouse to move over another img element of the component to correctly expand and fold the img inside the
component and the div that binds the click. There is no event passing, there is no common field, what is the situation?

<img src="./images/edit.png" style="margin-right: 10px;" alt="" v-if="!endEdit"         @click="modItemfunc" title="" @mouseover="endEdit=true"/>

estimates that your item itself does not have a flag attribute.
can be written this way, but it's best to define the flag attribute in advance.
@ click= "$set (item, 'flag',! item.flag)

Deep assignment, vue cannot listen
write a method, assignment with set
