How to write the subcomponents of vue advanced asynchronous components

my question is how to write this myComp.vue, is it different from ordinary components?
it is emphasized here that it should be promise
, but there are few people who can write

promise in the form of [.vue].
, I read it, but I still don"t understand how the last advanced asynchronous component writes subcomponents


in another post, it was shut down because "the problem is too bad, which is really frustrating"


just write normally., import () is a function of webpack, and it will return a promise to you.
< del > but I don't know why the other four configurations (not used for routing) don't work here, but they are packaged separately < / del >.
I misunderstood delay, and this configuration really doesn't seem to work.

I would like to ask the landlord, has this advanced asynchronous component been implemented
