How can this be done in one operation instead of two?
< H1 >! / usr/local/bin/python3 < / H1 >import cx_Oracle
con = cx_Oracle.connect ("scott/tiger@localhost:1512/ORCLPDB1", encoding= "UTF-8")
cursor = con.cursor ()
cursor.execute ("CREATE TABLE t (id NUMBER, script CLOB, script_hash RAW (32)")
my_text ="$" 2 * 10
statement = "INSERT INTO t (id, script) VALUES (: my_id,: my_clob)"
cursor.execute (statement, (1, my_text)
statement = "
SET script_hash = DBMS_CRYPTO.HASH(script, 2)
WHERE id = :my_id"""
cursor.execute (statement, {"my_id": 1})
con.commit ()
con.close ()
This doesn"t work:
statement = "
INSERT INTO t (id, script, script_hash)
VALUES (: my_id,: my_clob, DBMS_CRYPTO.HASH (: my_clob, 2))
cursor.execute (statement, (2, my_text, my_text)
(Oracle 12.2 using Python and cx_Oracle 6.3)