for example, I have a dynamic string like 1232 {Button 1} {Button 2} 765432 (variable length). How can I get 1231 and {Button 1}, {Button 2}, 765432?
for example, I have a dynamic string like 1232 {Button 1} {Button 2} 765432 (variable length). How can I get 1231 and {Button 1}, {Button 2}, 765432?
const str = "1232{1}{2}765432";
function handleStr(str) {
const result = [];
let inBraceNow = false;
for (let i = 0; i < str.length; iPP) {
const currentChar = str[i];
if (inBraceNow) {
result[result.length - 1] += currentChar;
if (currentChar == "}") {
inBraceNow = false;
} else {
if (currentChar == "{") {
inBraceNow = true;
} else {
// result
if (result.length == 0||(!+result[result.length-1])) {
result[result.length - 1] =10*result[result.length - 1]+(+currentChar);
return result;