Baidu map shows the names of rivers and lakes


    var myStyleJson = [
                        "featureType": "water",//
                        "elementType": "all",
                        "stylers": {
                            "color": "-sharp00ffffff",
                            "weight": "5.6"
                        "featureType": "poilabel",//
                        "elementType": "all",
                        "stylers": {
                            "visibility": "off"
                        "featureType": "town",//
                        "elementType": "all",
                        "stylers": {
                            "visibility": "off"
                        "featureType": "district",//
                        "elementType": "all",
                        "stylers": {
                            "visibility": "off"
                        "featureType": "subway",//
                        "elementType": "all",
                        "stylers": {
                            "visibility": "off"
                        "featureType": "railway",//
                        "elementType": "all",
                        "stylers": {
                            "visibility": "off"
    map.setMapStyle({styleJson: myStyleJson});

use api, of Baidu map to hide some roads and public facilities, and then highlight waterways, but many waterways do not have names. I would like to ask whether there are no names of these rivers and lakes in Baidu map, or the ap, that needs to use names needs to display the names of rivers and lakes now, if you can set it up better
