How git submits local code to a remote branch

how git submits local code to a remote branch

  • A new project has been created locally
  • then our boss set up a warehouse for git. My permission is develop, and then there are two branches in the warehouse, one master (I certainly don"t have permission), another Branch_V1.20180611 (which I should be able to operate), a readme, in the branch, and then all kinds of questions that I am not allowed to submit when I submit the code


  1. how to submit the local code to the git warehouse set up by our boss. Although I finally submitted it.. But I don"t think it meets the requirements of the specification. Ask the boss for advice on how to submit such code.

I have tried: (this will meet my requirements)

  1. git init;
  2. git remote add origin https://**.git;
  3. git add. ;
  4. git commit-m "XXX"; / / remember the commit id here
  5. git checkout Branch_V1.20180611;
  6. git cherry-pick [commit id] / / the code has been successfully closed, and it can also pull and push

I have also tried:

  1. first associate the remote branch, then git push-u origin master, but I can"t submit without permission
  2. after associating the remote branch first, directly git branch-- set-upstream-to=origin/Branch_V1.20180611 master, this association will not work either.
  3. after associating a remote branch first, it is not possible to directly git push origin master.

the 21st century is < del > Bioscience < / del > the century of beautiful code

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