three services ServiceA, ServiceB, ServiceC, are deployed on the server corresponding to the domain name,
the access method for each service is to access the index.html file of the corresponding path. For example, the front-end path of the ServiceA service is the front-end path of the Path/to/A, ServiceB service, and the front-end path of the Path/to/A, ServiceB service is pATh/tO/B
then I wanted to access Path/to/A/index.html, through, so I tried this configuration:
http {
listen 80;
-sharp nginx
location / {
root html;
index index.html index.htm
-sharp ServiceA
locaton ^~ /ServiceA {
root Path/to/A
index.index.html index.htm
and finally will actually request access to / Path/to/A/ServiceA/ or / usr/share/nginx/html/ServiceA/, and return 404 error.
Why is there such a routing rule? How to achieve the desired results?