Ng-zorro-antd ng-zorro-antd.less file

1. Through npm install ng-zorro-antd-- save
2, modify the styles list of .angular-cli.json file
3, "styles": [


] after starting the service, an error is reported without this file


the latest 0.7.x is available. You must be 0.5 or 0.6. Take a look at your version

path should be "node_modules/ng-zorro-antd/src/ng-zorro-antd.less", but it will still report an error. It should not support less

@ Dream fly @ wusan are you done? The introduction of zorro default style by Angular5 + Zorro0.7 has been an error all the time

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has been settled. The correct configuration is ng5 + zorro0.7 + less2.* antd github issue
