What kind of error occurs when the page enters the root path when entering a path written in the route?


root path is the landing page, and all the pages in the first paragraph of code are correct, but when entering the second paragraph of the code, all the routes in the second paragraph take the root route (all the routes I added later take the root route), and the to.name printed out on the page is" Login", but there is no error. Is there any way to find out the error?

            path: "/",
            name: "Login",
            component: Login
            path: "/login",
            component: Login
            path: "/user",
            component: UserControl,
            meta: {
                requireAuth: true
            children: [
                    path: "user_console",
                    component: Users_console,
                    meta: {
                        requireAuth: true
            path: "/admin-login",
            component: AdminLogin

Why does your secondary routing path write "/"?


the correct way to write should not appear "/"

in secondary routing.

five minutes ago, your picture was wrong.
you must have changed the picture. It looks right this time, is this the real code that went wrong?
if so, I wonder if you should give up the "/" path and instead of writing component, you should redirect: "/ login"
