configuration seems to be correct, with spaces added, but hexo d does not respond
hexo clean and hexo g can both execute
what went wrong
configuration seems to be correct, with spaces added, but hexo d does not respond
hexo clean and hexo g can both execute
what went wrong
Don't use this https, replace it with git.
this is https. You replace it with Use SSH
try this.
first of all, your word is wrong. The word in the warehouse address is repository
. Try this first. If not, try this again.
make changes like this:
type: git
branch: master
< hr >
is your user name, and remember to configure github
on your machine, that is, to configure SSH
. You will have detailed tutorials as soon as you search the Internet!
Report after hexo-d ...
after hexo builds blog updates, git d-g shows nothing to commit, working tree clean, and then cannot be updated. I have made changes in the file and am ready to submit the update, but what is displayed is nothing to commit, working tree clean, and then ...